MCM OrganoClay Cartridge Filters
MCM OrganoClay Cartridge Filters are engineered for the removal of dispersed, emulsified and dissolved hydro-carbons from aqueous solutions. The filters are exclusively made using a powdered MCM OrganoClay oil absorb-ment media. Radial flow cartridges are designed for plug and play application in commercially available filter housings. The filters are offered in a variety of DOE and SOE endcap configurations. Tests have shown MCM car-tridges to be more efficient (% removal) and more absorbent (& capacity) than competitive oil removal filter car-tridge technologies.
- Commercial Bilge & Ballast Water
- Oilfield Produced Water
- Pipeline Maintenance Activities
- Tank Farm Runoff Water
- Parking, Airport & Railcar Wash Water
- Machining Fluid Tramp Oil Removal
- Parts Washing & Plating Baths
- Compressor Condensates
- Boiler Blowdown
- RO Membrane Pre-treatment
- GAC Filter Pre-treatment

Part Number | English Size (in) ID x ID x L | Metric Size (mm) ID x ID x L | Max Flow Rate | Max Oil Capacity (g) | Fluid Volume Treated @ 25ppm Oil Content |
MCM-2510-xyz | 2.625 x 1.063 x 9.875 | 67 x 37 x 248 | 1 gpm (227 l/h) | 300 | 3,170 gal (12,000 L) |
MCM-2520-xyz | 2.625 x 1.063 x 20.00 | 67 x 37 x 508 | 2 gpm (454 l/h) | 600 | 6,340 gal (24,000 L) |
MCM-2530-xyz | 2.625 x 1.063 x 30.00 | 67 x 37 x 762 | 3 gpm (681 l/h) | 900 | 9,510 gal (36,000 L) |
MCM-2540-xyz | 2.625 x 1.063 x 40.00 | 67 x 37 x 1016 | 4 gpm (908 l/h) | 1200 | 12,680 gal (48,000 L) |
Operation and Storage
MCM OrganoClay Cartridges are not intended for solids filtration, and 5-micron (nominal pre-filters should be used. The filters may be applied in liquid processes having temperatures of up to 175F (80C) and pH 4-11. The filters can be safely stored at temperatures from 5 to 180F (-15 to 82C) and have a shelf life of at least one year.