Gun Barrels for the Oil Sector
Specialized gunbarrel oil water separators are best suited for applications that have oil volume in excess of water volume in the produced fluids.
Our gunbarels are manufactured using a high quality isophthalic resin. All our gunbarrel separators are chemically resistant to all types of crude oil and salt water.
Standard Features
- 24″ manway
- Round thief hatch (4 oz pressure/
0.4 oz vacuum) - 8 threaded fittings
- 3” dogbone in flume
- Walkway brackets
- 6” x 3” internal siphon
- Ladder
- Lift lugs
- Dimensions (15′ 6″ Radius / 30′ Height)
Tank capacities available range from 100 – 1,000 bbl. They come complete with premium quality fittings, couplings, flanges, gaskets, manways and hatches. Gel coats to protect the tank from ultraviolet (UV) rays is also available.