Produced Water Treatment in the Oil & Gas Industry

Produced Water
Produced water is water that is “produced” out of a well during the oil and gas production process. Historically this water has been injected into wells deep underground. Today it is much preferred to recycle this water. Ecologix offers two types of solutions for recycling produced water.Each solution caters to specific user requirements, which often revolve around mobility and processing capabilities. For clients that require a highly mobile treatment system with high volume capability, the ITS-1500 may be the perfect choice. The ITS-1500 is specially designed to be a complete treatment system built on a frac tank chassis. This provides the system with unparalleled mobility, allowing operators to pick up and move the system at a moment’s notice. The ITS-1500 system includes a multi-compartmented chemical reaction tank and mixers, a large enhanced dissolved air floatation zone for sludge separation, a clearwell to allow treated water to be pumped out, chemical feed pumps, and PLC controls. It combines automation, mobility, and versatility for the operation team that requires maximum flexibility from their water treatment system. For clients that need the maximum amount of volume treatment capability in the smallest footprint, yet still want the ease of operation and versatility offered by an ITS system, Ecologix developed its E-DAF solutions on skids. These skidded components include an oil/water separator, chemical reaction tank, enhanced dissolved air floatation system, and our activated glass filtration system. This system also includes its own power distribution and circuit protection unit, which greatly simplifies onsite electrical connection work. These systems can treat up to 126,000 barrels of water per day (5.29 MGD).
The ITS and skidded E-DAF treatment systems are designed to operate in remote and challenging environments, treating water in some of the harshest operating conditions. These highly automated systems can even be remotely monitored with certain functions remotely operated if needed.
Benefits of recycling Produced Water
Significant benefits can be realized using an efficient treatment system that allows for near 100% reuse of the produced water. Thus dramatically reducing fresh water usage and allowing for less downtime in water sensitive districts.
Ecologix has extensive experience recycling produced water (frac flowback) in west Texas and other important mining areas in North America. Our systems are self contained and can be hauled to different locations as needed. Our DAF systems are the leader in the industry for producing clean salt water that can be safely reused in your fracking operations. The key benefits to recycling your produced water include:
- Brine water can effectively replace fresh water in the frac fluid mixture
- Fresh water resources can be left untouched in the fracking process
- Trucking requirements for water transport can be cut by hundreds of loads per well
- Savings can add up to $100,000+ per well
- Using brine water will prevent clay from swelling, resulting in higher well productivity
Contact Us for Produced Water Recycling Solutions
If you need a reliable and efficient produced water treatment system, call 678-514-2100 or contact Ecologix for a quote today.